Broadly, the goal of this project is to examine the cross-sector service trajectories of Medi-Cal eligible children, including their utilization of health care services. Specifically, we will investigate Medi-Cal eligibility and program participation, Medi-Cal eligible children’s health status over time, and patterns of health care utilization among different Medi-Cal child subpopulations. Birth records, child protection records and other administrative data sources will be linked to Medi-Cal eligibility and claims files. Initial analyses will focus on Medi-Cal eligible children who have been diagnosed with and/or are receiving treatment for an emotional/behavioral health condition.
Linkage of Medi-Cal data with other agency data sources available to the CDN, specifically with birth and child protection records, will not only inform DHCS’s policies and programs for low income children and families, but also will provide useful insights for other systems jointly serving vulnerable children in California.