Moving Families from a Hotline to a Helpline receives a Gold Eagle award
We are proud to announce that the Moving Families from a Hotline to a Helpline project has been awarded this year’s Gold Eagle, the LA County Quality and Productivity Commission’s highest honor. The project applies Lean Six Sigma principles to streamline linkage between DCFS families and preventative services and supports.
Conceptualized and implemented through a unique partnership between the LA County Board of Supervisors (BOS), Office of Child Protection (OCP), Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), County Counsel, Mental Health, Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk, and the Children’s Data Network (CDN), the project has tripled the number of families connected to prevention supports and cut enrollment wait times in half. These outcomes are promising. All involved appreciate the recognition for this innovative solution to strengthening and empowering vulnerable families.