Dr. Emily Putnam-Hornstein to be inducted into the American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare

CDN Co-Founder and Director, Emily Putnam-Hornstein, has been named an American Academy of Social Work and Social Welfare Fellow. She and seven eminent colleagues in the 2024 class will be inducted this January at the annual Society for Social Work and Research Conference in Washington, D.C.

This award comes in recognition of Emily’s groundbreaking work to develop and examine data and algorithmic tools that can improve the accuracy and consistency of decisions made by child protection agencies. Her scholarship has provided insight into where resources may be used to better understand, and provide support for, vulnerable children and their families.

Please visit the following announcement to read more about Emily’s work and this well-deserved honor: UNC’s Putnam-Hornstein named a 2024 AASWSW fellow

Congratulations, Emily!

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