Data in Action: CDN and CCWIP Work Cited in LAO report on Racial and Ethnic Disproportionalities and Disparities in California’s Child Welfare System

On March 22nd, 2023, Update on Analysis and Key Questions: Racial and Ethnic Disproportionalities and Disparities in California’s Child Welfare System was presented to Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services. The LAO cited CDN and CCWIP research to support the following findings: 1) foster youth are disproportionately low income, Black, and Native American; 2) disproportionalities persist throughout the system; and 3) disproportionalities have persisted over time. These conclusions prompt further research and analysis in the areas of mandated reporting, the definition of neglect, and prevention of child maltreatment. We applaud the LAO’s data-informed approach to policy and budgetary analysis and identification of key questions for continued exploration.

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