CDN Work/Partnership Showcased at CHHS 2021 Data Expo

Regan Foust, Executive Director of the Children’s Data Network, was invited to represent the Children’s Data Network at the California Health and Human Services (CHHS) Data Expo on January 21, 2021. The session, CHHS Success Stories: Turning Data Into Action, was organized to tell the story of the rapid launch of – a searchable website built to help essential workers find child care during the pandemic. Collectively, the panel discussion underscored the importance of in making the concept a reality. Additionally, Regan was able to show how child care facility information can be combined with information about the children living in those areas (from the periodic record reconciliations conducted by the CDN). Pairing places with people, she reinforced, can facilitate equity, inform policy, and generate programmatic insights.

A recording of the entire CHHS 2021 Data Expo can be found here:

A recording of the CHHS Success Stories: Turning Data Into Action session can be found here (CDN panel begins at 35:12):

More information about CHHS Data integration efforts can be found on the CDN project page, Record Reconciliation and Data Hub, and in this recent Health Affairs Article, Integrating Data To Advance Research, Operations, and Client-Centered Services In California

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